September 18, 2021 

4th Annual South Asian Health Conference 2021 
Mental Health 

Co-hosted by Canada India Network Society and Physicians with Interest in South Asia. Supported by South Asian Health Inst Fraser Health.

Saturday, September 18th, 2021 8:00am—11:30 am
Virtual Session using Zoom Platform

This Group Learning program has been reviewed by the College of Family Physicians of Canada and is awaiting final certification by the College’s British Columbia Chapter.

Arun Garg
Clin Prof Pathology and  Lab Med F/Med ;UBC
Chair Canada ?? India ?? Network Society

Kapil Bhagirath MD, FRCPC, FASE
Cardiology, Surrey Memorial Hospital, Surrey, BC

Lakshmi Yatham MBBS, FRCPC, MarCPhych(UK), MBA
Professor & Head Department of Psychiatry
Director Institute of Medical Health, UBC

Thank you to all those who registered this year. Registration is now closed. 

To access a copy of the official flyer along with agenda please click the button provided for a downloadable PDF.