Surrey, BC
CINI 2018
Canada India Network Initiative 2018
CINI 2018 was a special joint event as a mid-year meeting of Global Associations of Physicians of Indian Origin. With this added partner along with and focused its program to solidify recommendations from previous 2 very successful events of 2010 and 2014. The conference was organized by Canada India network Society and co-hosted by Fraser health and Simon Fraser University. In addition British Columbia Institute of technology, Medtronic Canada were premier partners. The focus of CINI 2018 was health civil society through engagement, innovation and technology. The themes were behavior modifications, life style interventions, quality palliative acre, and interlinks of culture and mental health and mental wellness. Other themes were professionalism, leadership and system development. Holistic Integrative care to improve outcomes was the key project of the conference. Role of technology and information technology, especially in community based chronic care completed the sessions.
Recommendations & Plans
CINI 2018 >> Recommendations and Action Plan
Welcome Greetings:

On behalf of the steering committee for the Canada India Networking Initiative (CINI) 2018, a very warm welcome to delegates. A special greeting to those who have traveled from outside of British Columbia and Canada to be with us, and especially members of our Global Association of Physicians of Indian Origin.
As we gather to build and deepen links between Canada and India, we recognize our deep historical links to Salish first nations, whose territories in which this conference is being held. The conference continues the work of the previous two conferences held in 2010 and 2014. We have worked tirelessly to organize an exciting and outcome-driven focused agenda. The conference is bringing leaders, experts, change agents, and transformers to recommend solutions to promote health and lower the burden of disease. The format of the conference will be interactive sessions with recommendations and outcomes for topics of interest. This format allows short presentations with facilitated discussions from all delegates with a closing session designed to make specific projects for action… READ THE REST
2018 Community Greetings:

Greetings from The Right Honourable Justin Trudeau – Prime Minister of Canada

Greetings from the Honourable Ginette Petitpas Taylor – Minister of Health

Greetings from Honourable John Horgan – Premier of British Columbia

Greetings from Honourable Bruce Ralston – Minister of Jobs, Trade and Technology

Greetings from Linda Hepner – Mayor, City of Surrey

Greetings from Michael Marchbank – President and Chief Executive Officer, Fraser Health

Greetings from Andrew Petter – President and Vice Chancellor, Simon Fraser University

Greetings from Kathy Kinloch – President, British Columbia Institute of Technology

Greetings from Dr. Ramesh Mehta – President, GAPIO

Greetings from Dr. Sunil V. Patel – President, CAPIH

Greetings from Dr. Saroj Kumar – President, PISA

Greetings from Medtronic of Canada
2018 Sponsors and Community Partners: