Surrey, BC
CINI 2014
Canada India Network Initiative 2014
Canada India Network Initiative 2014, again organized by Canada India Network Society and cohosted by Fraser health, Simon Fraser University and joined by other major partners in British Columbia Inst of technology, the University of British Colombia and Medtronic Canada, to build on its predecessor and theme of healthy civil society was the focus of the conference. Based on knowledge and wisdom sharing, action for transformation. The healthy society pillars are education, justice and health. The sessions covered Human resources especially in Nursing and allied health, Emerging technology and its links to economy and health, transformation of primary acre in chronic diseases and role of integrative principles of body and mind in health.
Recommendations & Plans
CINI 2014 >> Recommendations and Action Plans In Progress
2014 Community Greetings:

Greeting from Prime Minister Stephen Harper

Greeting from Premier Christy Clark

Greeting from Minister of Health, Terry Lake

Greetings from Parliamentary Secretary Larson

Greetings from Minister Kenney

Greetings from Mayor Watts

Greetings from Stephen J. Toope President and Vice-Chancellor The University of British Columbia

Greetings from Senator Seth
2014 Sponsors and Community Partners:




2014 Advisory & Scientific Committee:
Ravishankar Aisola, Consul General of India, Vancouver
Dr. Nemkumar Banthia, University of British Columbia
Dr. Stephen Brown, Government of British Columbia
Dr. Arun Chokalingam, Global Health Program, University of Toronto
Dr. N. Chidambaram, Annamalai University, India
Dr. Allan Davis, Kwantlen Polytechnic University
Neil Fraser, Medtronic Canada
Shiv K. Garg, Dr. K. L. Garg Memorial Trust (India)
Dr. Arvind Gupta, MITACS
Dr. Devendra K Gupta, King George Medical University, India
Dr. John Hepburn, University of British Columbia
Dr. Ramanan Laxminaryan, Public Health Foundation of India
Dr. Vishwa Mohan Katoch, Indian Council of Medical Research, India
Kathy Kinloch, British Columbia Institute of Technology
Arden Krystal, Provincial Health Services Authority
Dr. Mukesh Kumar, Indian Council of Medical Research, India
Dr. Patrick McGowan, University of Victoria
Dr. Nigel Murray, Fraser Health
Ian Parfrement, Roche Diagnostics
Dr. Sunil Patel, Canadian Association of Physicians of Indian Heritage
Dr. Andrew Petter, Simon Fraser University
Dr. Anthony Phillips, University of British Columbia
Dr. Mario Pinto, Simon Fraser University
Dr. Srinath Reddy, Public Health Foundation of India
Honourable Senator Dr. Asha Seth, Government of Canada
Dr. Simon Sutcliffe, Institute for Health System Transformation and Sustainability
Dr. Stephen Toope, University of British Columbia
HW Dianne Watts, City of Surrey
2014 Scientific Program Committee
Satwinder Bains, Fraser Valley University
Georgia Bekiou, BC Medical Association
Dr. Gulzar Cheema, University of British Columbia/iCON
Dr. Susan Dahinten, University of British Columbia
Dr. Bakul Dalal, Vancouver Coastal Health Authority
Dr. Ryan D’Arcy, Simon Fraser University
Lane Desborough, Medtronic of Canada
Dr. Raymond Dong, Fraser Health
Bill Dow, British Columbia Institute of Technology
Michael Emery, Medtronic of Canada
Tru Freeman, Kwantlen Polytechnic University
Dr. Hirekatur Gopinath, PISA and Fraser Health
Dr. Milan Gupta, McMaster University
Dr. Kendall Ho, University of British Columbia/iCON
Dr. Gordon Hoag, Vancouver Island Health Authority
Dr. Amanda Hoogbruin, Kwantlen Polytechnic University
Dr. Nadia Khan, University of British Columbia
Alexander Ku, British Columbia Institute of Technology
Dr. Dan MacCarthy, British Columbia Medical Association
Dr. Bruce McManus, PROOF Centre of Excellence, University of British Columbia
Rebecca Merriman, Medtronic Canada
Dr. Soumyo Mukherji, Indian Institute of Technology, India
Dr. Kavita Narayan, Public Health Foundation of India
Dr. John O’Neil, Simon Fraser University
Dr. Nimal Rajapakse, Simon Fraser University
Jeet Sivia, Fraser Health
Dr. Gavin Stuart, University of British Columbia
Dr. Tricia Tang, University of British Columbia
Dr. Oncar Tripathi, Indian Hypertensive Society, India
Dr. Laxmi Yatham, University of British Columbia
Dr. Patrick McGowan, University of Victoria
Dr. Mark Blinkhorn, Surrey – North Delta Division of Family Practice
Dr. Narsingh Verma, King George Medical University
Dr Andrew Webb, Fraser Health