Canada India Network Society
Building Links Between Canada and India Through Engagement, Social Innovation, and Technology.

Congratulations to our very own Dr. arun Garg
A quality care crusader: Celebrating Lifetime Achievement Award recipient Dr. Arun Garg
With his passion for health system transformation and innovating for the future, Lifetime Achievement Award Winner Dr. Arun Garg is described as a visionary. He is an exemplary role model for physician leadership in advancing care and supporting our diverse populations.
CINI 2026: South Asian Health – Integrative Thinking to Integrative Health; Global Perspective
June 12th 13th and 14th, 2026
Signup today to be on the first to get updates on when the official registration will open, speakers and more.
What We Do
We believe equivalent engagement of India and Canada, the best of East and West

We fund our activities through our partnerships with foundations, government and industrial sponsorship and individual donors.

We Collaborate with individuals and organizations with similar missions.

We Cooperate with individuals and organizations to participate by planning, organizing programs in health, education, technology, business and economic development.

We bring people together for the exchange of innovative ideas and outcome focused recommendations and action plans.

We believe in flexibility and nimbleness to constantly be adaptable to the change and evolving health and economic environments.

We Catalyse for effective and Optimal Solutions.
Latest news, events & more

6th Annual SAHC
Join us for the 6th Annual South Asian Health Conference. Organized by West Coast Cardiology & Co-hosted with C-PISA-BC, CINS and ACC
Get to know us better.

The Canada India Network Society (CINS) is a, non-profit society registered in the province of British Columbia, Canada, in 2010, to Build a Global Healthy Civil Society.

We conceptualize, collaborate, and coordinate between people, organizations, and institutes to improve the health of the people of Canada and India.

Our work has led to innovative programs and network opportunities in health that support educational, economic, cultural and social links between Canada and India.
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Past CINI Events

CINI 2022
SFU, Surrey, BC
Focusing on Women’s Health – Overcoming Barriers – Voices from the Trenches. The fifth annual conference compriomising of two days of in-depth discussions on women’s health and transformative innovative pathways for a healthy civil society.

CINI 2018
Surrey, BC
Focusing on modifications, lifestyle interventions, quality palliative care, and interlinks of culture and mental health and wellness. Through holistic Integrative care to improve outcomes with the role of technology in community-based chronic care.

CINI 2014
Surrey, BC
Building on its predecessor, the focus was healthy civil society. Based on knowledge and wisdom sharing, action for transformation. The healthy society pillars were education, justice and health.

CINI 2010
SFU, Surrey, BC
Starting and creating networks amongst leaders in academic, industry, health service providers, policymaker to lower the burden of cardiovascular diseases.
Building and strengthening academic, cultural, health and business links between Canada and India.
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